Nov 10 2014

20-22 Nov. 2014: Sviluppo Manageriale, Il Sole 24 Ore

Sviluppo Manageriale
Milan, 20-22 Nov. 2014

Managerial Development is the first of five modules in the Master’s program “Finance for Executives: Corporate Finance & Banking”. The main themes covered in the initial seminar include teamwork, coaching, time management, leadership and communication. This intense program – 24 days over 8 months –  is tailored to executives, managers, consultants and entrepreneurs who are determined to significantly expand their expertise in financial techniques and strategy.

For more details, download the brochure Finance for Executives: Corporate Finance & Banking (pdf).

20-22 November 2014
Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Milan

Nov 10 2014

1 Oct. 2014 Comunicazione Assertiva

COMUNICAZIONE ASSERTIVA Ossia: Dì la tua mantenendo buoni rapporti

Assertiveness is the ability to express one’s emotions and opinions clearly and effectively, while maintaining good relationships with others. Assertive people express themselves authentically, listen actively, and ask for clarification without being either passive or aggressive, respecting themselves and others. This experiential course is designed to increase participants’ level of self-affirmation through the theory and practice of a variety of assertive communication techniques.

1 Oct. 2014
CIS Valmadrera (LC)
€155 + IVA (with lunch). Held in Italian.
Download the brochure here (pdf) for more information.

Jan 22 2014

10 Feb. 2014 : Self-marketing – Tecniche di autopromozione

Effective self-marketing (not to be confused with boasting) is a professional skill of ever-increasing importance – and it’s crucial to know which points to emphasize when you talk about yourself. Whereas technical skills and experience in today’s highly competitive market are nearly considered as a “given”, interpersonal skills have become a distinguishing factor in one’s professional success.

In this hands-on course, participants will increase awareness of their strengths and uniqueness in terms of soft skills, and acquire greater confidence in self-marketing through practical techniques. Download the brochure here.

10 February 2014
CIS Valmadrera (LC)
Cost: €155 +Iva, incl. lunch

Oct 20 2013

13-14 Dec. 2013: Una carriera da Leader, Il Sole 24 Ore

Una carriera da Leader: le competenze per realizzare le strategie e ottenere risultati

Part of the Master’s program in Leadership & Empowerment, this 2-day seminar focuses on personal branding, self-marketing, and in general, consciously planning your professional growth in order to reach your career aspirations.

For more details, download the brochure here.

13 & 14 December 2013
Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, Milan
€700 + IVA. Held in Italian.